2025 Schedule

TH 6-Feb Home Bull Run
WE 12-Feb BYE
FR 21-Feb Away Marsteller
MO 24-Feb Home Unity Braxton
WE 26-Feb Away Nokesville
WE 5-Mar Home Metz
WE 12-Mar BYE
SA 15-Mar Away TBD - Regionals

2025 Tryouts - Information

How do you make the team? This is a walk on team, so everyone makes the team. That said, only 16 make the starting roster and will have the opportunity to wrestle at every meet this year as well as the tournament at the end of the season. To stay on the team I ask that all wrestlers attend every practice and take each practice seriously.
What do you need in order to practice? Clean shorts and a t-shirt (not the ones used for PE) as well as wrestling sneakers. Wrestlers cannot practice without wrestling sneakers.
Who makes it on the starting roster?

  • Ability to attend all meets during the season as well as the end of the season tournament on March 15th.
  • If a wrestler cannot attend the tournament on March 15th, they cannot be on the starting roster.
  • Wrestling experience and ability do help, but ultimately wrestlers need to demonstrate that they are the best at their weight class.
  • The need to have a wrestler at each of the 16 weight classes. Some weight classes will have more wrestlers than others, meaning that it is more difficult to make the starting roster for some weights.
What are the weight classes? 75,80, 86, 92, 98, 106, 114, 122, 131, 140, 149, 158, 180, 205, HW (265).
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to send me an email at [email protected]